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Basic Workflow

Follow these steps to get the Basic Workflow up and running.

Install the plugin

npx expo install react-native-safari-extension

Configure the plugin

Configure the plugin in your app.json.

  • Specify a folderName for where your extension files will live. This folder should be in the root of your project.
  • Optionally define any Swift dependencies that you need in your extension.
"expo": {
"name": "myApp",
"plugins": [
"folderName": "MyExtension",
"dependencies": [{ "name": "SomeSwiftPackage", "version": "5.4.3" }]

Plugin Params

// Required: The name of the folder where your extension files live
folderName: string;
// Optional: Any Swift dependencies that you need in your extension
dependencies?: { name: string; version?: string }[];

Add your extension files

Add your extension files to a folder with the name provided above. This folder should be in the root of your project.


Your file structure must match the expected Extension Files. It's recommended to clone this repo and copy the MyExtension folder from the examples to get started.

Prebuild + build your app

If you are using EAS to build your app, run a build using eas-cli.

eas build --platform ios

Or if you're building locally:

npx expo prebuild -p ios --clean
npx expo run:ios

Developing your app

Once the app has successfully run, open the Safari app, navigate to any webpage, and press the AA button in the address bar. This will open a context menu. Select Manage Extensions and enable your extension by switching the toggle on. You should now see your extension as an option in the context menu below Manage Extensions. Click on your extension to open it.

Whenever you make a change to your extension files, you will need to rebuild your app.